"Stop The Self-Sabotage"

In this free mini-training

->  you will discover the process of how the mind sabotages our efforts,

->  you will learn why we feel like having no choice but to experience stress and fear,

->  you will uncover the tactics your strongest inner critique uses and how to weaken her,

->  you will learn powerful tools to quiet your mind. 

Empowerment Coach

Are you familiar with any of these thoughts?

“My to-do list seems endless, I feel overwhelmed by the constant chase.”

“I am worthy as long as I create results and others think well of me.”

“Resting? That is a waste of time, let´s find something new to work on.” 

“To be a good person I should put the needs of others ahead of my own.”

“If I work hard enough I can and should control the situation so it goes my way.”

Whether it´s our wish to have everything under control, pushing ourselves and others to deliver outstanding results, placing the needs of others ahead of our own, or living in fear and anxiety of losing control, all of these are tendencies of our minds that sabotage our well-being

These subconscious programs feel so natural to us that we are even not aware of them. However, they drastically rule our world. 

And that is the reason why we don´t even question them and obey the voices in our heads. 

Wouldn´t it be wonderful if you…

  • could create results without the constant pressure and perfectionism?
  • stopped the worry and fear of not being/doing enough and substitute it with ease and flow?
  • were able to care for yourself as much as you care about others without feeling guilty?
  • learned how to quiet your mind?

productivity coach

My name is Martina Magic. I have been empowering women for the past seven years. I have helped hundreds of clients ditch the guilt and fear of not being good enough.

My clients have taken over responsibility for their lives and by changing their mindset they improved their relationships, integrated self-care into their lives, and created the best versions of themselves. 


15th & 16th December

7 PM London / 2 PM EST


This FREE training will be held live inside a private Facebook group. 


What do my clients say?
