Download "Time & Focus Audit" here:

Slow down before you speed up! 

If you feel like chasing your tail every day, stop right now! 

Are you an active woman who invests her effort and energy to family and business growth. Do you sometimes wish there were more hours a day? 

Listen, there´s no such thing as an empty to-do list for growth-minded people. 

It´s time to SLOW DOWN. What you need are effective time and task management. 

Being productive is not about trying to fit in more to your day, quite the opposite: 

  • reduce your speed,
  • cut back on the number of your tasks (which ones? You can apply for a powerful exercise Time And Focus Audit on the right)
  • shorten your deadlines. 

I´ll see you in e-mails. I will teach you how to use your time consciously. You don´t have to be in this alone. We can do this! 



Teším sa na Teba, spolu to dáme!